Spot the puppy

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mud Muster

On Saturday the Shaw's, Michael, my Mum  and I  went to the Mud Muster, there were about 300 people all together. The obstacles were going over a wall, a lot of going through mud, going over and under  tyres, they also had to go through about 3 dams, they had to go under a net and go under some barrel's  that were on the damp. Last of all they had to go a water slide. At he end we ran with Kirsty and  Kimberly  to the finish line. After that there was prize giving.  We got on the bus again and headed home . Once we had got up the hill to our place Mum told us that for her age group  she came 3rd. All of us were really happy for her. When it was dark, and Michael and I were in bed, Mum came in and told us that to her it was easy and she could do it again, and she told us that she got refreshed in the small dam. Mum was really pleased that she did the Mud Muster.

How to have a holiday cake

1 Nana
2 children
1 mother
2 cars
1 Wellington
3 shopping

Take 1 Nana+ 1 mother, add 2 children.
Mix until it looks gooey.
Add 2 noisy cars and 3 lots of shopping.
Lastly pour in the Wellington.
Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees calcic cook for 20 mins.
Take out and serve while hot


Thursday, October 17, 2013

The mountain trip

On Monday the 13th my class went skiing at Mount Ruapahu. There was a magic carpet and a chair-lift. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed it. I was in the Discover Group and after our lesson I was the 3rd best in my group. It was really cool and I hope we go there again.


On Wednesday night it was Jabberwocky. Some of the Room 1 kids and some of the Room 2 kids did it. The play was really funny and exciting. I was the 5th one from the  Jabberwocky's gang, it was really fun when Renee, Ryan, Loulou, Javan, and I went on and shook Rebekah's hand, she was the Jabberwocky, we shook Ronan's hand, he was the Bandersnatch, and Ethan's hand, he was the Jub Jub bird. We wore fancy masks.

was the Jub Jub bird. The best part for me was all the times Lauren chased George around the stage.

The flood

On Tuesday there was a flood. It got in  a lot of the homes in Whangaheu  and in Wanganui. It kept on raining for 2 days. In front of Room 4 and Room 3 was flooded and so was along Room 2 and Room 1 right to the office, it took until Wednesday to drain away. There is stil heaps of water in the paddocks around Whangaheu.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Book Week

Last week it was book week.
If we brought a book to school we would get a ticket to get another one that we liked the look of.
In Juanita's office there were heaps of brand new books.
On Wednesday it was Grandparents day. A lot of the kids at school had Grandparents, they were all very nice.
On Thursday Kowhai, Miro, and Tawa  houses all did a big book. It was really fun our book was all about shopping for food, Miro house won it but we didn't win the shield.
On Friday it was  Mangamahu cross country. We stayed there for the whole day. It was so close between Gemma and I because Gemma only won by a 2 seconds but it was still really fun, in the end Gemma was 5th and I was 6th.